Integrating Work and Life: A Vision for a Changing Academy

"In March of 2006, the Carnegie Foundation in partnership with the Sloan Foundation convened a group of distinguished participants active in each of these conversations, who created a vision of professional development to meet the challenges for the new academy (see the online Professional Development for a Changing Academy Report).

Six principles emerged from the discussions:
1. Begin professional development in college and intensify in graduate school.
2. Provide flexibility for work-and-life issues throughout the academic career.
3. Recognize, develop and reward multiple talents and contributions.
4. Foster long-term planning and preparation.
5. Cultivate leadership throughout faculty careers.
6. Strengthen networks that encourage learning."

From "Integrating Work and Life: A Vision for a Changing Academy," by Pat Hutchings, Mary Taylor Huber, and Chris M. Golde; #28 in the monthly series called Carnegie Foundation Perspectives.

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